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Political Action

Endorsed Political Candidates.

Marcus Henry

Endorse for the general election on November 5th: Marcus Henry for New Castle County Executive.


Laborers Political League Of Delaware

More than an organization, LiUNA is a movement based on the general principle that our members should receive wages, benefits, and working conditions commensurate with our skills, productivity, and reliability.

Like any movement, ours relies on a strong political message and an active and engaged membership that participates in the political process and seeks to influence labor-friendly policy. The Laborers Political League of Delaware helps coordinate and advocate on behalf of our membership. Through political education, candidate support, and issue advocacy, the Laborers Political League of Delaware gives its members the power to promote and protect our work and our union.

The Department Is Working For Liuna Local 199 Members By:

Want To Bring The POWER?

Whether it is our professional staff or our member-activists, you’ll find us wherever decisions are being made–in Woodburn’s Legislative Hall, Delaware General Assembly, and in Kent, Sussex, and New Castle counties, and Wilmington’s City Hall. We’ll be in the neighborhoods, attending events, wherever we can make a difference for ourselves and each other.

For the Laborers Political League of Delaware, politics are not about political parties or cable news programing, it is about our members and their families, our work, and the general principle that workers deserve to be treated fairly in the workplace. It is a fact worth mentioning again and again: without a strong political program there cannot be a strong union.

LECET - Delaware

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Want to Bring the POWER?

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Professional Staff Or Our Member-activists,

Whether it is our professional staff or our member-activists, you’ll find us wherever decisions are being made–in Woodburn’s Legislative Hall, Delaware General Assembly, and in Kent, Sussex, and New Castle counties, and Wilmington’s City Hall. We’ll be in the neighborhoods, attending events, wherever we can make a difference for ourselves and each other.

Laborers Political League of Delaware

For the Laborers Political League of Delaware, politics are not about political parties or cable news programing, it is about our members and their families, our work, and the general principle that workers deserve to be treated fairly in the workplace. It is a fact worth mentioning again and again: without a strong political program there cannot be a strong union.

The Department Is Working For Liuna Local 199 Members By:


Mike Hellstrom



John Duthie



James Maravelias

Business Manager/Secretary Treasurer

Curtis Linton
